Everything you need
to manage your team's
email signatures


Setup once and automate

Create your email signature designs once. Share the installation link with your existing & future employees to let them generate their email signatures by themselves.
Takes just 5 minutes
Professional-looking templates
Easy installation by your employees
Centrally managed
Dashboard mockup

Professional templates

Tested to work perfectly across different devices, screen sizes, and email clients

Advanced customizations

Add personal headshot images, logos, and can also customize every aspect of the designs

Add disclaimers

Automatically display your industry-related disclaimers by adding them to your signatures

Extensive add-ons

Add social media icons, contact information, and also nudge recipients to register for webinars, schedule a demo, etc.


You can create different Email Signature designs for your employees depending on their departments

Track traffic to your website

Set custom UTM variables to links in your design so that you can identify your Email Signature as the traffic source

Installation by employees

Share a link withyour employees to generate their own Email Signatures based on your pre-defined designs

No coding skills required

Signman’s Email Signature Generator lets you visually edit your Signature designs and doesn’t require any coding skills

No IT maintenance needed

With Signman, you don’t need to ask your IT team for help everytime you have to update your employee’s Email Signatures

Create an Email Signature
in 5 minutes


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